Saturday, January 10, 2009

10/365 Rocky Horror


I couldn't think of another title. I've never seen the RHPS and I may be dating myself by even mentioning it! Oh well!

Abstract complimentary colors was the theme for today! This is not the abstract I had in mind and that's not the color green that one typically sees with red, but in a pinch this will work! These are two of the newest LEGO creatures. The Rock Raiders were first introduced in 1999 and have recently resurfaced. I saw them laying out on the floor and grabbed them when I realized I wasn't coming up with anything else.

Lesson: Abstracts are not something that I can come up with easily. It's a wonderful thing when you realize the subject matter that you love to shoot. I love meeting, talking to, and photographing people, but I'm willing to keep trying my hand at other things. This project is causing me to stretch in a variety of ways and that's a good thing.

Tomorrow: Patterns


Anonymous said...

Love the colors and DOF. I thought I liked photographing people but I am finding that the objects don't move or complain when you manipulate them. Kids do. Senior kids are way more cooperative though.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same the color and DOF. My son just asked if I would buy him some of them. lol

Pam said...

Cool shot. I love it.

Pam said...

P.S. I forgot to say that I remember RHPS well (although I never saw it either!)

Jo-Anne Price said...

Cool shot! Love how the green "glows" and get a "kick" out of the position of the Rock Raiders lol