Monday, February 2, 2009

33/365 Leaf


Still playing with the macro lens and learning how to bring what I see in my head onto paper. I really wanted the drop of water to be a little more round, but the wind started blowing just as I began to experiment so I decided to just take the shot. I'll try again soon though because I'm determined to master macro!

Lesson: Be prepared to put in the time to compose the shot you really want and don't just settle for anything. Sometimes creating beautiful images takes time and considerable effort. Ansel makes it look so easy!

Tomorrow: Something blue


Anonymous said...

Awsome! Love the dof and the color.

Anonymous said...
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Jodie's 365 Project said...

I like how only the water drop is in focus.

I read somewhere that you can use glycerin instead of water. Never tried it though.

Andrea said...

That's the second time I've heard that today. Glycerin it is Jodie!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful shot. Love how the drop pops. The light catching in it is beautiful. Love me some macro!

Jo-Anne Price said...

Love it! You're doing great keep it up!