Tuesday, June 16, 2009

135/365 Relax


I actually laughed out loud today! It's been awhile since I laughed after hearing a little person tell a funny story. My schedule is much too tight when I don't have room to laugh, would you agree?

My constant companions are away this week at camp and they are loving EVERY. MINUTE! I'm so relieved! It's been great just hanging out with me and making plans for me. Just 4 more days and I'll be off with girlfriends for some more me (and them) time. I don't know if I can stand all of this....freedom!

Every time I see a flower, I will remember to relax and laugh!

Lesson: Earth laughs in flowers.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson


Ken said...

Lovely peek of beauty.

Andrea said...

Thank you Ken! I so appreciate you!

Lady T said...

Did you have a great time?